©klagyivik / stock.adobe.com Building the Industrial Cloud Interoperability Standard OPC Foundation Cloud Initiative Find more information and join the cloud initiative here www.opcfoundation.org/cloud – Standardized interoperability: Accelarate interoperability of IT and cloud applications using OPC UA, targeting e.g. data analytics using AI, industrial data spaces, digital product passports, industrial metaverse as well as digital twin applications. – Best practices: Create a cloud reference architecture to provide best practices, increase standardized data sharing and cloud-optimized profiles for the OPC UA standard. Deliverables – Semantic Data Models in the Cloud: Maintain OPC UA Information Models (Companion Specifications) in the cloud to utilize the context of data in cloud services. – Establish a new Protected Identity for OPC UA Cloud eXchange “UACX”. – Establish validation and certification for OPC UA Cloud Interoperability. SPS2024 Hall 5 / Booth 140 OPC Foundation Cloud Initiative Relay Broker ERP MES SCADA Mobile Robot Mobile Satellite Fieldbus Controller Controller DCS Press Saw Oil Refinery Industrial Interoperability: From Sensor into Cloud Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device APL Field Switch Field device Field device Field device APL Field Switch Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device Field device Cloud Library Digitalization Semantics IIoT OPC UA over MQTT Security METAVERSE 5G OPC UA via REST CLOUD DIGITAL TWIN DIGITAL TWIN Field device DATASPACE CLOUD MANUFACTURER CLOUD SUPPLIER CLOUD FEDERATION EDC/IDS DATA SPACES DIGITAL PRODUCT PASSPORT OPC_Ad_fairmessage_SPS2024_lay01.indd 1 28.10.24 15:56 Anzeige