
Anzeigen Halle B5 | Stand 103 Halle B6 | Stand 400 TOGETHER WE CREATE SECURITY - WORLDWIDE LISTEC GmbH■ Am Sandberg 34 ■ D-84424 Isen +49 (0) 8083 5385 - 0 ■ ■ Your specialist for sensor cable systems for early fire detection and temperature monitoring on ships. Hallenpl Die Weltle der maritime Messegeländ SMM 2024 Hall A1: Ship Operation Equipment, Environmental Technologies Deck Equipment, Cargo Handling Systems Hall A2: Pumps, Valves, Compressors Hall A3–A4: Prime Movers and Propulsion Systems, Lubrication Hall B1: National Pavilions Hall B2: Shipyards, Shipbuilding Industry Production Equipment Ship Engineering & Design National Pavilions Hall B3: Shipyards, Shipbuilding Industry National Pavilions Hall B4: Shipyards, Shipbuilding Industry National Pavilions Hall B5: General Outfitting / Interior Outfitting, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Safety Equipment, Fire Protection, Marine Coatings, Corrosion Protection Hall B6: Navigation and Communication Electric Drives, Automation, Light, Sensors & Indicators, Software & EDP, Electric Equipment Marine Technology Hall B7: Shipbuilding Material National Pavilions Hall B8: Maritime Security & Defence Shipyards, Shipbuilding Industry 03.-06.09.2024