Sensors for Medical Devices Hall 8A Booth H29-1 HALLE 8A · STAND R31 Halle 8a | Stand H29-1 Halle 8b | Stand J08 Halle 14 | Stand H09 Halle 8A | Stand R31 Anzeigen nplan mpamed undheitswirtschaft ntechnik e Düsseldorf © Messe Medien 24 GmbH 11 12 16 CCD OST 15 14 13 Halls 8a, 8b COMPAMED – High-tech solutions for medical technology Halls 1, 3 LAB & DIAGNOSTICS Laboratory equipment/diagnostic tests Halls 4, 5 PHYSIO TECH Physiotherapy/orthopaedic technology Halls 5, 6, 7a, 7.0, 7.1, 17 DISPOSABLES Disposables and consumables Halls 9, 10, 11 MED TECH & DEVICES Imaging and diagnostics/ medical equipment & devices Hall 13 DIGITAL HEALTH IT systems and IT solutions Hall 12 MED TECH & DEVICES Hospital equipment, care equipment, operating technology and operating equipment Halls 14, 15, 16 MED TECH & DEVICES Imaging and diagnostics/ medical equipment and devices National and international joint participants E-PAPER DOWNLOAD