6 05/2023 Innovation Alfagomma is a global manufacturer and supplier of hydraulic hose and fittings, including Argus range of quick release and swivel couplings, manipulated hydraulic steel tube, flexible metallic hoses, and expansion joints. The company is also renowned for its comprehensive range of industrial long length moulded, mandrel-built rubber, PVC, and composite hoses. All produced at its quality assured ISO 9001 approved and certified sites. With strategically located Alfagomma or Dunlop Hiflex assembly centers throughout the world, Alfagomma can offer global equipment manufacturers, localized supply, and support wherever they operate. The recently introduced range of Alfabiotech Evolution hydraulic hoses is one of the latest product developments in the Alfagomma portfolio. The Alfabiotech Evolution range, specially designed for bio oil full compatibility, has an exceptional performance in terms of flexibility: bend radius values are reduced by up to 60% compared to the SAE 100R standard. Alfabiotech Evolution is the ideal choice for demanding applications wheremachinery requires a highly efficient hydraulic power transmission system. The flexibility of the product is a plus in the assembly and installation. The minetuff cover is MSHA certified and developed to guarantee an abrasion resistance 10 times higher than required by the international standards. A host of new industrial hose types comes into Alfagomma range and includes: 74SAA, lightweight-textile reinforced-concrete pumping 85 bar; 733AA, the new high pressure concrete pumping, specially designed for piling rigs applications; 704HA enlarged ends, the bulk material suction and delivery hose, specially designed for suction excavators; 5J551 and 6J511, suction and delivery composite hoses (respectively for acid and chemical, fuel and oil, transferring in tank truck applications) complete the range. Alfagomma is totally committed to develop new industrial and hydraulic products that the market demands, improving the existing ones and work closely with equipment manufacturers to develop hoses designed to their specific requirements. ALFAGOMMA, A SINGLE SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS www.alfagomma.com HALL 005 – STAND F18/1 tech alfa EXTREME BEND RADIUS AND FLEXIBILITY Advertisement_101x60mm_2023.indd 3 03/04/23 16:06 TREFFT UNS IN DER START-UP-AREA! In der futureSAX-Start-up Corner in Halle 17 präsentieren Gründende und junge Unternehmen aus Sachsen ihre innovationen Leistungen, Produkte und Lösungen. Kommt vorbei und lernt #InnovationmadeinSaxony sowie die Innovationsakteure aus Sachsen kennen! Halle 17, Stand A50 futureSAX ist ein Unternehmen des Freistaates Sachsen, initiiert durch das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr. Mit dabei: Weitere Infos zu unseren Standpartnern: www.futureSAX.de