Ausgabe zur INTERGASTRA 2020

7 01/2020 New Hotel trends SÜSSER GENUSS SEIT 1892 UNSER SAISON- HIGHLIGHT: VOGELEY MOUSSE WEISSE SCHOKOLADE- ERDBEER Kommen Sie vorbei und probieren unsere Neuheiten: INTERGASTRA: Halle 1, 1 J 11 Vogeley Desserts und Süßspeisen erhalten Sie ab jetzt bei Ihrem Hügli Außendienstmitarbeiter. Hügli Food Service Phone +49 7732 807-0 19-13010-663_Anzeige_Vog_Kueche_IG_IO.indd 1 14.01.20 12:07 „Der Ansporn durch die erstklas- sige Konkurrenz ist groß und trotzdem stehen für alle die Lei- denschaft für den Beruf und das Gemeinschaftsgefühl imVorder- grund.“ Ideas and studies for the hotel of the future F rom interior design through to building ser- vices and from outdoor furniture through to table dec- oration: leading manufactur- ers and service providers will present their latest concepts, successful solutions and fu- ture-orientated innovations. Hoteliers from all over Europe will learn everything about new hotel trends, forge contacts, and exchange experiences with in- dustry experts and colleagues. Two halls will be devoted to ho- tels, fittings and atmospheric am- bience at INTERGASTRA 2020, the leading trade fair for the hotel and gastronomy business, which will be staged in Stuttgart from 15 to 19 February 2020. Focus on smart hotel concepts and serviced apartments “Hall 4 is our ‘hotel hall’ in which the German International Hotel Association (IHA) and its part- ners will be presented on a joint stand,” said Markus Tischberger, Project Manager for INTERGAS- TRA. He added that the adjoining “Fokus Hotel” pavilion will be devoted entirely to the require- ments of the hotel industry. In addition to a varied exhibi- tion area covering individual design concepts and innovative solutions, the latest room study of i Live Group GmbH will cele- brate its première at the trade fair. Next year, the company is opening a building containing short and long-stay apartments in Stuttgart. This study will present modern, fully furnished serviced apartments which offer guests living standards of the highest quality. “Long-stay apartments, as pre- sented by the i Live Group, are in vogue and represent a great op- portunity for the hotel industry, especially as an additional con- cept,” said Tischberger. “Guests usually book these apartments for a longer stay, but rarely make use of time-consuming hotel services such as daily cleaning.” Therefore, the model primarily means less expenditure for ho- teliers. However, they can offer their additional in-house servic- es such as a laundry service, fit- ness room or wellness area, thus generating a higher occupancy rate. Another highlight in the “Fok- us Hotel” pavilion will be the material agency raumprobe: everything for hotel development will be available here, whether that’s floor coverings, textiles or surfaces suitable for use in build- ings. This means that visitors to the trade fair will get their own feel for materials in the segments bathroom and wellness”, “restau- rant and bar”, “sleeping and ac- commodation” , and “lounge and conference . Weatherproof outdoor facilities and exciting professional competitions The special show “OUTDOOR. AM- BIENCE. LIVING.” in the Rothaus Park of the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre will extend the outdoor season with real-life conditions and show how outdoor gastron- omy areas can be optimally used in any weather conditions thanks to innovative sun and weather protection systems. Here, hotel- iers and restaurant owners will be able to find out about the differ- ent canopies and shading options for use outdoors. Traditionally, the professional competitions also attract large crowds. During the Couvert d’Or, two-person teams will profes- sionally lay a table for a five- course menu based on a motto of their choice. An independent jury will judge the table according to expert gastronomic and creative criteria and will select the win- ners. The participants in the “Elevator Pitch” DEHOGA Cup will present exciting business ideas in rapid succession. Company founders and young entrepreneurs from the hospitality and supply indus- tries will compete against one another. They will have just three minutes to describe their con- cepts to a jury and the audience. Those that impress will receive one year of start-up support from IFEX. DEHOGA Baden-Württemberg with an impressive stage programme In Hall 7, the Baden-Württem- berg branch of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DE- HOGA) will present an impressive stage programme featuring tech- nical information and exciting discussions. In its capacity as the sponsor of INTERGASTRA, DEHO- GA will not only offer an ambi- tious accompanying programme, it will also provide interested trade fair visitors with extensive information on the Association’s services. “Thursday, 18 February in particular can be seen as the main day for the hotel industry thanks to exciting talks being held with the German Interna- tional Hotel Association and the presentation of the hotel classifi- cations,” said Tischberger. The German International Hotel Association, the Baden-Württem- berg branch of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association and INTERGASTRA will invite around 400 guests from the hotel and restaurant industry to the IKA national chefs’ long table during the evening event: the exclusive Hotel Executive Night. The IKA/ Culinary Olympics is the world’s oldest and largest culinary arts competition and will be held at the same time as INTERGASTRA next year. Everything that be- longs together is brought togeth- er here: INTERGASTRA creates an ideal framework and attracts appro- priate trade visitors for the IKA/ Culinary Olympics. “The cooking competition offers young talent and experienced professional chefs a platform and the oppor- tunity to show what they can do by international comparison,” said Tischberger. “The first-class competitors bring great motiva- tion, but the main focus of the event for everyone involved is the sense of community and the pas- sion for the profession.”