Ausgabe zur INTERGASTRA 2020
23 01/2020 Cultural Heritage And Cult Berverage Besten der Branche zu finden und zu ehren. „Beim Stuttgart Comandante Championship gilt es, das beste Brüh- rezept zu finden und innerhalb von zehn Minuten der Jury durch reine Handarbeit – vom Mahlen bis zum Aufgießen – einen perfekten Kaffee zu servieren“, weiß Stefan Dachale, Inhaber von Mókuska Caffè und Ini- tiator des Wettbewerbs. Alle Teilneh- mer verwenden die gleichen Bohnen, erhalten das gleiche Equipment und müssen den Kaffee auf die gleiche Weise zubereiten. Um den konzentrierten Genuss geht es beim Espresso Italiano Champion- ship. Optik und Geschmack, geord- nete Arbeitsabläufe, ein hohes Maß an Sauberkeit und ein souveräner Umgang mit dem Equipment sind entscheidend für den Sieg und die Auszeichnung „Deutscher Meister der Baristi“. Ausrichter des Wettbewerbs ist das Instituto Espresso Italiano (IEI). Außerdemwird beim Stuttgart Coffee Summit zum dritten Mal der KALDI Award von Coffee Consulate verlie- hen. Eine internationale, unabhän- gige Fachjury kürt damit herausra- gende Leistungen zur Verbesserung des Kaffees durch wissenschaftliche Arbeit und wesentliche Beiträge zum besseren Kaffeeverständnis. Coffee – cultural heritage and cult beverage T he Stuttgart Coffee Summit is the meeting place for bari- stas and coffee connoisseurs in Germany. It takes place next year for the fifth time as part of INTER- GASTRA, the leading trade fair for the hotel and gastronomy business, from 15 to 19 February 2020 in Stutt- gart. The Stuttgart Coffee Summit has be- come one of the most important events in the industry. Besides the new Stutt- gart Comandante and Espresso Italiano Championships, highlights of the special coffee show include well-known fixtures like the RösterDorf (roasting village) and CupTasting. The two-day Coffee Sympo- sium,which takes place at the same time from 16 to 17 February, brings together experts from around the globe who will address the subject of “Changing coffee” and present the latest scientific findings. “For anyone keen to stay abreast of what is happening on the coffee scene, the Stuttgart Coffee Summit and our Coffee Symposium are not to be missed“, says coffee expert Dr. Steffen Schwarz from Coffee Consulate. INTERGASTRA strikes the right chordwith coffee “For years now we have enjoyed very good growth rates, which clearly shows that the Stuttgart Coffee Summit is an interesting and, above all, relevant special-interest subject for the catering trade,” reports Schwarz. His person- al highlight is the AromaLabyrinth, which was specially designed for the event. Visitors work their way through eleven aroma groups and explore the various flavours that unfold in a sin- gle cup of coffee. “Doing so lets partici- pants gauge their own tasting abilities and develop a finer palate for coffee,” explains Schwarz. The RösterDorf – the universe of speciality coffees At the CupTasting and in the Röster- Dorf, visitors can gain an in-depth insight into the coffee cosmos, learn from small and micro roasters how the roasting process influences the cof- fee flavour, and establish connections with green coffee traders and farmers. Visitors can put their newly acquired skills from the AromaLabyrinth into practice right away as tasting is anoth- er important element of the Stuttgart Coffee Summit. Along with the experts, they can sample trends and innovative preparation methods such as nitro cold brewing. Incidentally, besides the coffee beans, the coffee cherries and leaves of the coffee plant can also be used. Visitors to the fair can sample the results at various booths. “At the moment, we are noting that an increasing number of new creations and coffee styles from other countries such as Austria, Portu- gal, Spain and even Germany are gain- ing a foothold on the market. This development significantly en- hances the trend towards individualis- ation, which I welcome wholeheartedly as it shows how important coffee is to consumers and coffee drinkers,” ob- serves the coffee expert. However, coffee can only unfold the full diversity of its aroma if everything has been done properly from the start. It is not only the variety of the coffee that has an influence on the flavour. Soil quality, the right amount of fertiliser, weather conditions and clean process- ing are just as crucial. “It is essential that nothing goes wrong during stor- age, transportation, roasting, grinding and brewing,” emphasizes the coffee expert. “As coffee is a semi-finished product, everything hinges on it being correctly prepared. The roasting of the coffee alone can unfold its flavour to perfection or destroy it completely,” says Schwarz. Generating knowledge and sharing insights Visitors can find out more about coffee cultivation and processing, the current market situation and trends in the in- dustry at the Coffee Symposium. The congress brings together top-ranking experts from around the globe eager to discuss the latest scientific insights and current developments on the cof- fee market. They include B.B. Deepak Changappa from Palthope Estates, who will be talking about the impact of climate change on coffee production and Dr. Oliver Brödel from TH Wildau, who will cover fermentation during coffee processing. By contrast, Raven Sun Kwok from Earthlings Coffee will be explaining how different roasting styles influence the coffee business. “At the Coffee Symposium in Stuttgart, we serve up the latest scientific insights on the coffee plant in a palatable format, and that is unique!”, adds Schwarz with a hint of pride. Championships for the best in the industry The new championships held at the Coffee Summit aimed at seeking out and celebrating the best in the in- dustry take the event to thrilling new heights. “The Stuttgart Comandan- te Championship focuses on finding the best brewing recipe and serving the jury with a perfect cup of coffee that is prepared completely by hand, from grinding to brewing, within the space of ten minutes,” explains Stefan Dachale, owner of Mókuska Caffè and initiator of the championship. All can- didates use the same beans, the same equipment and have to prepare the coffee in the same way. The Espresso Italiano Championship is devoted to enjoying coffee in concen- trated form. Appearance and taste, a practised rou- tine, a high degree of cleanliness and confident handling of the equipment are crucial to success and winning the title of “German Master of Baristas”. The championship is organised by the Instituto Espresso Italiano (IEI). Coffee Consulate’s KALDI Award will also be bestowed at the Stuttgart Cof- fee Summit for the third time. An in- dependent panel of international ex- perts will select individuals for their outstanding achievements to improve coffee through scientific work and for their significant contributions to a bet- ter understanding of coffee. Coffee can only unfold the full diversity of its aroma if everything has been done properly from the start”
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