Ausgabe zur LIGNA 2019

5 ITALY-SPECIAL stellen sich vor Officina Meccanica Sestese S.p.A. Via Borgomanero, 44 - 28040 Paruzzaro (NO) Tel.+39 0322 541411 - - Visit us at LIGNA 2019 Hall 26 - Booth E08 P A C K A G I N G S O L U T I O N S . S I N C E 1 9 4 9 STRAPPING STRETCH HOOD THERMOSHRINKING STRETCH WRAPPING PACKAGING LINES TEXT: DEUTSCHE MESSE MESSEGELÄNDE 30521 HANNOVER GERMANY T his May, over 1,500 com- panies will be gathering in Hannover, Germany, to showcase the future of the woodworking and timber processing industries. Whether it's about digitization, automa- tion, IoT platforms or collabo- rative systems, LIGNA is where innovations are shown for the first time – and on an unrivalled scale. 130,000 square meters (nearly 1.4 million square feet) is the total net display area that will be occupied by exhibiti- on stands featuring the latest woodworking and timber proces- sing plant, machinery and tools. "From 27 to 31 May 2019, ex- hibitors from over 50 countries will gather here at the Hannover Exhi- bition Center to showcase state- of-the-art processing solutions, applications and concepts for the entire forestry & wood industry. The presence of all the world's lead- ing technology providers will make Hannover the global hotspot for the wood-based industries during those five days. No other fair compares in terms of international appeal", asserted Dr. Andreas Gruchow, Man- aging Board member at Deutsche Messe, during the LIGNA Preview press conference on 5 February in Hannover, adding: "Once again in 2019, LIGNA will serve as the in- dustry's showcase of choice for unveiling their innovations, with a great many exhibitors even timing their development cycles to coin- cide with the show's staging every two years." Visitors can expect to see innova- tions across all display categories, from forestry technology, furni- ture and window manufacturing, through to tooling systems and surface technology. They will also see live demonstrations of fully functional furniture production plants, learn about IoT platforms for Industry 4.0 plants and the lat- est R&D projects, and be able to participate at networking events throughout the show. Dr. Andreas Gruchow: "One of the big challeng- es is the ever greater trend to prod- uct individualization – a trend that is putting pressure on manufactur- ers to deliver customized products at least as quickly, profitably and efficiently as with series produc- tion. It's these sorts of challenges for which LIGNA exhibitors will be presenting solutions." LIGNA 2019 has three focus themes: "Integrated Woodwork- ing – Customized Solutions", "Smart Surface Technology" and "Access to Resources and Technol- ogy". The latter is also the key- note theme of the Wood Industry Summit . "Integrated Woodworking – Customized Solutions" In the wood industry, there is keen interest in IoT applica- tion scenarios, such as condition monitoring and predictive main- tenance, as a means of further boosting production plant ef- ficiency. In such scenarios, hu- mans remain an integral part of the production process but are supported by cyber-physical as- sistance systems, such as collabo- rative robots, automated guided vehicles and smart worker support technologies. The trend is thus towards hybrid human-machine production systems in which the product is inextricably linked to the production plant and the hu- mans who operate it. "Visitors to the next LIGNA will gain captivat- ing insights into what the future has in store for the furniture and woodworking industries", ex- plained Gruchow. Smart Surface Technology Themed "Smart Surface Technol- ogy", the surface finishing exhibits at LIGNA 2019 will span all the intelligent processing solutions needed to cater for today's surging demand for haptic, matt and reflec- tive surfaces. That's digital printing and decorative gravure printing systems, inspection systems, the latest generation of spray coating machines, robotics systems, and much more besides. Here, too, digi- tization and automation are the key to achieving greater flexibility while keeping costs to a minimum. The full range of the latest surface technologies, applications, innova- tions and solutions will be on dis- play in halls 16 and 17. "Access to Resources and Technology" at the Wood Industry Summit Providers of technology for the forestry and/or primary wood pro- cessing industry, in particular, will have an unrivalled opportunity to tap into new growth markets at next year's Wood Industry Summit, which is themed "Access to Re- sources and Technology". Complete with forum, lounge and exhibition area, the summit is all about in- ternational communication and technology transfer. Among much else, its focus will be on ways of optimizing the entire forest-wood- logistics value chain – from stand- ing trees through to final process- ing in the factory – as well as on protecting forests from biotic and abiotic damage, and on climate and environmentally friendly har- vesting processes and the future of the forest and wood industry. Digital technologies, such as drone- based data capture systems, mobile applications, laser scanners and highly sophisticated IT programs, now span the entire forestry value chain, from forest information and integrated harvesting systems right through to modern forest manage- ment systems. And in each case, the focus is squarely on efficiency and productivity. Digitization will therefore be a prominent theme at the discussion forms and through- out the exhibits at LIGNA 2019. Main display categories The last LIGNA featured a re- structured site layout featuring seven main display categories – a layout well received by exhibitors and visitors, alike, and thus to be continued in 2019: • Tools and Machinery for Custom and Mass Production in halls 11 to 15 and 27 • Surface Technology in halls 16 and 17 • Wood Based Panel Production in Hall 26 • Sawmill Technology in Hall 25 • Energy from Wood in halls 25 and 26, and in Pavilions 32, 33 and 35 on the open-air site • Machine Components and Automation Technology in halls 15 and 16 • Forestry Technology on the open-air site and in Pavilions 32, 33 and 35 Guided Tours In order to help visitors get the most out of next year's show, the organizer is offering Guided Tours on "Smart Surface Technology", "Integrated Woodworking – Cus- tomized Solutions" and "Sawmill Technology – Innovations and Trends". For further news and informa- tion about LIGNA, the show's supporting program, Guided Tours, special displays and im- portant product launches, visit N S W E Stema S.r.l. Via Alessandro Volta, 64/E I – 22060 Arosio [Como] Visit us at: Hall 12, Booth A40 • Future showcase for the woodworking and timber processing industries This May, over 1,500 companies will be gathering in Hannover, Germany, to showcase the future of the woodworking and timber processing industries PRIMULTINI s.r.l. Viale Europa 70 36035 Marano Vicentino (VI) Italien